Future content and latest changes
Greetings community,
We here at Kronos are thankful for your efforts to save Azeroth from both Ragnaros and Onyxia. However, Azeroth needs you again heroes! Rumors are spreading that Azuregos, Kazzak, and Dire Maul shall be landing in Azeroth after the reset on Wednesday, June 20th. Heroes, you’re being called to save Azeroth once again. Also, as of the reset on June 13th. World buffs will be enabled for both Molten Core and Onyxia.
Our teams have been working extremely hard over the past month to help improve your Kronos experience. Our devs have been hard at work squashing bugs and making improvements as you can see from our latest changelog here. All teams are also currently working on improving both workflow and communication. We’ll continue to push out more fixes and improvements as we go. We thank you for all your support and look forward to what’s to come.
Speaking of what’s to come. A number of players have been asking for a status of our Burning Crusade project. As many of you know, there is a pretty significant lack of reliable quality Burning Crusade projects. Our plan has always been to allow players to progress from Vanilla to Burning Crusade with their characters so that you can enjoy the feeling of accomplishment while enjoying Outlands. Work has begun on Kronos Burning Crusade (KTBC) in small chunks. The current plan is to have a PTR released sometime soon, more information will be provided as we get closer to that date. We will be looking for a lot of player feedback in order to be able to help provide you with the best TBC experience possible.
Regarding the PvP issues, we have heard your feedback and are discussing things internally. Please have patience while we consider the possible solutions.
Finally, we want to remind players that the Kronos Project relies on you to help keep us running. We are grateful to those who have donated, however, donations are still needed in order to help keep Kronos running without any form of a shop. We took a huge leap of faith in our community to help keep us running without the need of a store. We still believe that not having a store is the best way to go, but we cannot do this without your continued support. You can donate any amount at https://manager.twinstar.cz/.
That’s it for our news today, back to work we go to make Kronos a better place. Thank you all for your support, safe travels.