All fixes and changes are based on qualified historical evidence that has been submitted by players and staff to our issue tracker.
Changes will be applied on scheduled server restarts.
Please delete your WDB folder regularly to ensure that all recent changes take effect for you.
Alterac Valley
- Fix bosses Vanndar & Drek’Thar and make their guards not kitable. #6928
- Implemented Areatrigger for the quest Fallen Sky Lords. #9113
- Improve escort script for Primalist Thurloga. #6479
- Improve escort script for Arch Druid Renferal. #6479
- Improve AI for Bowmans. #9618
- Add Stormpike/Frostwolf Guards & Stormpike/Frostwolf Bowman.
- Frostwolf/Stormpike Guardian should not despawn after their Graveyards has been assaulted. #9353
- Frostwolf/Stormpike Bowman should not despawn after their Tower/Bunker has been assaulted. #9159
- Alterac Valley invisible wall added to prevent jumping abuse. #10840
- Fix texts for A Gallon of Blood & Crystal Cluster. #6479
- Fix reputation gain for The Graveyards of Alterac. #8056
- Fix model info for Frostwolf Bowman. #12617
- Unify respawn time for Stormpike/Frostwolf Guard
- Lieutenant Murp is Undead. #12621
- Make Lokholar the Ice Lord & Ivus the Forest Lord active creatures
- Evade when out of the area for Drek’Thar & Vanndar Stormpike
- Fix one movement position for Stormpike Guardsman
- Corrections for Captain Galvangar & Captain Balinda Stonehearth. #6810
- Frostwolf Guardian – Fix one spawn point
- Remove wrong spawns od Frostwolf Bowman outside towers. #8063
- Update stats & positions & emotes & AI for NPCs in Irondeep Mine. #2554
- Link Irondeepers to Morloch with can’t respawn flag while the boss is dead. #2554
- Stormpike Defender – Set idle movement by default
- Ivus the Forest Lord – Added patrol waypoints
- Add quotes & Improve AI for Drek’Thar. #6810
- Add quotes & Improve AI for Vanndar Stormpike. #6810
- Implement unmount for Lieutenants. #2559
- Slightly increase model size for Stormpike Guardsman. #12127
- Dun Baldar Warmasters and Frostwolf Marshals should not be kitable & immune to charm. #9363
- Remove linking from Vanndar Stormpike #6928
- Frostwolf Guardian – Set idle movement by default. #7412
- Lokholar the Ice Lord – Added patrol waypoints. #10783
Midsummer Fire Festival
- Implement script and triggers for Fire Festival Fortitude. #11364
- Implement Midsummer Fire Festival Firework. #11634
- Add missing creatures related to Midsummer.
- Add missing object related to Midsummer.
- Midsummer end and fireworks
- Implement the Midsummer Fire Festival Ending event. #11634
- Update Firework data for Midsummer. #11634
- Set correct data for Midsummer Fire Festival. #11634
- Implement script for Ribbon Pole. #11634
- Remove trap activation for Midsummer Bonfire & Flame of *. #11634
- Add missing Midsummer Bonfire. #11364
- Add hard spawn of Midsummer Music game object in Stormwind. #11634
- Replace Target Torch Braizer for Standing, Exterior, Medium – MFF. #11634
- Replace Horde/Alliance Bonfire by Midsummer Bonfire as it was in vanilla. #11634
- Add hard spawns of missing Midsummer Bonfire. #11634
- Add missing text for A Thief’s Reward. #11634
- Fix texts & requirements for A Light in Dark Places. #11634
- Fix Quest Level and Min Level for some Midsummer quests. #11634
- Implement quest end event after completion of How Big a Threat?. #10624
- Implement quest end script for A Thief’s Reward. #11634
- Add a level exception for Cinder Bracers. #11634
- Fix Ribbon Pole Channel.
- Fix Faction for Festival Loremaster & Festival Talespinner. #11634
- Remove duplicate spawns of Midsummer Celebrant. #11634
- Fix movement of Midsummer Celebrant. #11634
- Implement simple AI for Midsummer Celebrant. #11634
- Add hard spawn of Festival Loremaster in Stormwind. #11634
- Add duration for some Midsummer items & Remove duration from Burning Blossom. #11634 #10738
- Fix spawn positions for two Festival Flamekeeper. #11634
- Fix position for Ribbon Pole Debug Target. #11634
- Added missing Darkmoon faire music #8745
- Engineering and Leather Working Specializations can now be switched using Soothsaying book #11799 #11797
- Slight improvements for Runed Pedestal. #12611
- Implement visibility update for game objects related to Elemental Invasion. #12524
- Fix ground height correction. #12395
- Fix spawn positions for Atal’ai Artifacts. #12640
- Slightly move one Large Solid Chest in Shadowfang Keep. #12535
- Reduced spawn time for Onyxia eggs #12469
- Fix spell Id for Flame of Dire Maul. #11634
- Increase spawn time for Rich Thorium Vein in Dire Maul.
- Increase respawn timer for Corrupted Songflower. #12129
- Improve GO script for the quest Book of the Ancients. #4608
- Fix floating of The Large Termite Mound in Eastern Plaguelands.
- Fix and set conditions for object Wooden Outhouse related to the quest Ledger from Tanaris. #5351
- Reduced spawn timer for captain’s footlocker #12318
- Fix game object firework activation. #11634
- Updated DMF quests #11840
- Implement script support for Are We There, Yeti?. #5515
- Implement more stuff for the quest King of the Foulweald. #4307
- Rewrite escort quest Free at Last. #4290
- Rewrite escort quest script for Muglash. #3752 #7672 #5038
- Improve Freedom to Ruul escort script
- Improve quest end script of Elixir of Pain. #2919
- Improve Rescue OOX-22/FE! escort script. #9669 #6195
- Avoid multiple spawns for Razelikh the Defiler. #12446
- Fix Details text for The Black Shield. #12619
- Fix typo for quest Dark Storms
- AQ40 Quest Chain – Added some immunities. #12365
- AQ40 Quest Chain – Some small changes. #12365
- Improve quest end script for The Absent Minded Prospector. #11941
- Rewrite script for quest Stranglethorn Fever. #4502
- Fixed related game object to the quest Heroes of Old. #12430
- Rewrote Imp Delivery Script #3874
- Corrected reputation reward for Feathers for Nafien #12450
- Corrected reputation reward for Feathers for Grazle #12451
- Corrected reputation rewards for Junkboxes needed #12462
- Fix previous quest requirement for Badlands Reagent Run II. #11836
- Improve quest end script for Heroes of Old. #12430 #6528
- Implement quest end script for A Daughter’s Love. #4105
- Implement quest end event after completion of Set Them Ablaze!. #5424
- Implement quest end script for Elixir of Agony. #4461 #5412
- Reduced required level for Cairne’s Hoofprint #3841
- Reduced required level for The Bough of the Eternals #12283
- Reduced minimum level required for Jaina’s Autograph #12296
- Pristine Yeti Hide – Make it repeatable. #12286
- Implement quest escort and event for Writ of Safe Passage #11698 #3246
- Extra attacks processing updated #11844
- Set medium priority for specific auras. #10469
- Fixed “Inventory is Full” bug while crafting with full bag #6063
- Triggered item spells won’t ignore line of sight anymore.
- Mark a few spells non-reflectable. #12331
- Check line of sight for spells with pets as the target. #12449
- Fixed an issue with Magic Absorption #12595
- Fixed an issue with Healing Ward #12569
- Corrected an issue related to auras and shapeshifting. #5696
- Fixed an issue with periodic spells #3483
- Make Inferno spell positive. #2358
- Fix level cap for a few spells. #12515
- Sentry Totem – Corrected radius. #9804
- Bruiser Sleeping effect extended to Midsummer Fire festival end event
- Implemented Plant Gor’tesh Head. #2803
- Make Fire Festival Fury non-stackable.
- Cleansing Flames will remove only negative auras.
- Implement script for Goblin Mortar & Rewrite Goblin Malfunction Explosion. #10638 #10515
- Make spell Siphon Blessing stackable. #11885
- Make a few auras stackable. #11891
- Make spell Expose Weakness stackable. #9091
- Nature’s Ally fixed. #12415
- Arcane Vacuum (Azuregos) – updated / rewritten in new scripts #12056
- Fox spell effects for Warlock Inferno & Increase damage & Set fire immunity. #6750
- Implement script for Toss Fuel on Bonfire & Make Fire Festival Fury spell positive. #11634
- Fix spell Beast Lore. #8820
- Fix expiration of special absorb spells. #12194
- Mark spell Dust Field as positive. #8525
- Cancel spells due to absorbed damage that are interruptable by clean damage. #7445
- Implement script for Goblin Sapper Charge. #10515
- Replace single exceptions by inventory type for engineering items. #11398
- Gnomish Death Ray – 90% chance to cast RAY DOT. #6359
- Add an exception for engineering Compact Harvest Reaper & Add duration & Set min/max level to 35. #7718
- Make Lightning Shield and Lightning Shield from Shaman T2 8P bonus stackable. Partially #10462
- Increase damage of War Stomp. #10778
- Add special cases model id for bear forms. #4945 #4260
- Fix Sweeping Strikes double armor inclusion. #12273
- Consider Charmed target while checking for dispel. #8825
- Fixed Splintered Obsidian. #12215
- Dispel spells with ability attribute will remove random aura instead of the last. #11779
- Correct summoned totems’ orientation. #12314
- Make Flame Buffet binary spell. #12293
- Fix cast end proc auras. #7679
- Removed Six Demon Bag from trinket cooldown group #3897
- Fixed Fire Ruby Spell #10744
- Add condition for Calm Dragonkin. #11787
- Implement script for Force Self – Bow.
- Brood Affliction will apply the same debuff on every target per cast. #7076
Dungeons and Raids
- Minor Naxxramas cleanup.
- Reduced target amount of Brood Affliction. #7076
- Chromaggus cleanup.
- Trigger health restore for Bug Trio only after special charge movement. #12348
- Implement AI for Suppression Device. #9867
- Improve Razorgore death before all eggs are killed. #11935
- No stacking for Crystal Spire and Thorns.
- Revamp Razorgore.
- Captain Kromcrush – Set temporary faction for the escort. #1921
- Reimplement door handling.
- Fix cyclic evade.
- Convert spell Destroy Egg from dummy effect to spell script.
- Convert script for spell Summon Noxxion’s Spawns from dummy aura to scripted aura. Properly reset Noxxion.
- Recast old stance for Druid and Warrior after Nefarian’s class call. #7968
- Corrected Jeklik’s Pierce Armor timer. #12031
- Improve script related to summoned Nightmare Suppressor. #2412
- Cleanup & Improve script for Noxxion. #532
- Adjust timer for Bellowing Roar. #12379
- Fail quest Dead Man’s Plea if timer expires. #7823
- Chromaggus – Improve encounter & increase aggro eadius. #11898
- Implement spell script for Healing Circle. #4462
- Nefarion – Adjusted spell timers. #11881 #11880 #11882 #11883
- Chromaggus – Adjust timer for vulnerability. #11884
- Implement script for Highborne Summoner. #3609 #7391
- Broodlord Lashlayer – Adjust timer for Blast Wave. #11931
- Broodlord Lashlayer – Adjust timer for Mortal Strike. #11930
- Vaelastrasz the Corrupt – Adjust timer for Burning Adrenaline. #11929
- Razorgore the Untamed – Adjust timers for War Stomp & Fireball Volley. #11932 #11933
- Hotfix for event Challenge to Urok – not final yet. #662 #12358
- Majordomo Executus – Teleport updated. #11825
- Lava Surger script updated. #11908
- Improve the first encounter & Reduce combat reach for The Beast. #3201 #3486
- Improve Death Knight Darkreaver event. #4062
- Summon 4 guards when keep is created. #5681 #5682 #5683 #5684 #5685 #5686
- Improvements for Disciple of Naralex’s event. #3141 #4677
- Improve event Spawn Challenge to Urok. #662
- Celebras The Redeemed – Adjust script wp & Add condition for quest acceptance & Allow repeating of escort q. #8989
- Jandice Barov – Remove guardians on reset/death & Cast spread when the illusion is summoned. #4190
- Ragnaros – Recast passive auras after emerging. #12295
- Garr – Adjust timer for Antimagic Pulse. #11779
- Ebonroc, Firemaw, Flamegor have their loot corrected. #12396, #12397, #12398
- Panzor the Invincible – Add patrol waypoints. #2082
- Molten bridge to MC – returned to incorrect state to prevent failed result spam.
- Molten bridge MC entrance – removed quest requirement. #5973
- Lava Surger MC patrol improved. #11908
- Fix Suppression Device in case of Broodlord is killed. #9867
- Fix damage & model info for Vanquished Tentacle of C’Thun. #10625
- Fix damage and Bomb targeting for Blackwing Technician. #10781
- Ignore summoned Majordomo Executus. #12543
- Implement script for summoned Thornling (Dire Maul). #2701
- Better Defias Cannon handling #5532
- Updated Landslide AI and one related spell #9808
- Revamp script for Mizzle the Crafty. #3176
- Revamp & Polish script for Deathstalker Adamant. #3321
- Minor improvements for Blackwing Mage.
- Fix damage for Archmage Arugal. #10704
- Hunter quest npcs cannot be feared anymore by warlocks or similar spells #12634
- Updated/Added Fliks and Fliks Frog in elwyn #11840
- Removed wrong placed npc. #11840
- Removed some skinning loot from dmf npcs. #11840
- Added missing random ooc says ot Sayge. #11840
- Added missing waypoints and creature linking to Flik and his Frog. #11840
- Added missing waypoints and creature linking to Silas Darkmoon in elwyn. #11840
- Added missing random ooc says to Gelvas Grimegate. #11840
- Added missing random ooc says and update current ones to Silas Darkmoon. #11840
- Added missing gossip text and random ooc says to Sylannia. #11840
- Added missing gossip stuff to Maxima Blastenheimer. #11840
- Fixed Professor Thaddeus P. at DMF, gossips and random says
- Added waypoints to Jubjub in mulgore dmf.
- Added say script for Lhara in DMF #11840
- Improve script for Highlord Taelan Fordring. #12272 #11460
- Solenor the Slayer – Make summoners attack creature’s victim. #1694
- Update Cleave spell id. #12058
- Implement casting of Vengeance for Stromgardes/Thistlefurs death. #4220 #4546
- Tealan Fordring – Reduce despawn and respawn timer. #11460
- Implement gossip option & Do not turn hostile when entering combat. #12284
- Change Thunderclap spel & Adjust cast timer. #12055
- Fix AI for Tortured Druid. #82
- Remove wrong gossip menu for Argos Nightwhisper. #4435
- Fix damage for Enraged Panther. #12635
- Fix AI for creature Vanndar Stormpike.
- Hederine Slayer – Temporarily immune to MC due to abuse. #12644
- Add patrol waypoints for one Horde Guard
- Add patrol waypoints for one Tyrant Devilsaur. #4350
- Corrected stats of creature Solenor the Slayer. #3006
- Corrected damage of creature Duskwing. #12585
- Alterac Valley commanders – respawn time increased to prevent respawn. #9351
- Mith’rethis the Enchanter – Add patrol waypoints. #5110
- Timer fix Winterfall Totemic. #12076
- Cenarion Protector – Add patrol waypoints. #4188
- Aura cleanup: removed, correct auras added.
- Shield bash – use of shield bash corrected. Will interrupt casting.
- Buzzards – removed skinning loot from generic buzzards. #12219
- Servant of Grol – Adjust spawn positions & Add patrol waypoints. #3059
- Alzzin the Wildshaper – Fix faction. #12544
- Fix Sand Shark – only water. #12407
- More quote fixes for Elemental Invasion bosses. #12525
- Increase damage for Thundering Invader (Elemental Invasion). #12534
- Set random respawn timer for Elemental Invasion bosses. #12524
- Link Invaders to their bosses with cant respawn while boss is dead (Elemental Invasion). #12524
- Thundering Invader – Add more spawns. #12533
- Whirling Invader – Rep gain on kill. #12531
- Increase damage for Elemental Invasion npcs & Miscs. #12534
- The Windreaver – Add nature immunity & Rep gain on kill & Patrol waypoints. #12527
- Baron Charr – Update linking. #12528
- Avalanchion – Add nature immunity & Patrol waypoints. #12527
- Princess Tempestria – Add frost immunity & Patrol waypoints. #12526
- Correct quotes for Elemental Invasion bosses. #12525
- Griniblix the Spectator – Remove unknown gossip. #655
- Harb Foulmountain – Add patrol waypoints. #4277
- The Bloodsail Buccaneers – Adjust spawn pos & Improve AI. #7526
- Homing Robot OOX-09/HL – Make that chicken passive. #12323
- Update Walk Speed for Tooga (it’s turtle). #3603
- Serpent Messenger – Set run on when starting his path. #4313
- Correction for Azuregos & Spirit of Azuregos. #12472
- Sonf of Flame – sets itself in combat with zone on aggro.
- Fixed a few problems with Twilight Prophet #11984
- Final correction for Azuregos & Spirit of Azuregos. #12472
- Lieutenant Rukag – Link him to Scourge Invasion event. #12475
- Doomguard – Increase damage. #4624
- Gurubashi Axe Thrower – Remove charm immunity. #12477
- Fix Faction for Hive’Zora Tunneler. #12465
- Add quote when calling for guards (SW). #4289
- Warpwood Crusher – Increase aggro Radius. #4639
- Isalien – Fix equipment & Improve AI. #2701
- Improve AI for Silithid Harvester. #3774
- Implement AI for Lady Sylvanas Windrunner & Varimathras. #2008
- Muckshell Snapclaw – Add spawns & AI. #4843
- Fix one spawnpoint for School of Fish.
- Fix faction for Goblin Land Mine. #1668
- Son of Flame – Fix min level. #12390
- Bone Construct – Fix damage multiplier. #10029
- Son of Flame – Remove fear immunity. #12389
- Prince Skaldrenox – Add equipment.
- Skeletal Warder – Improve casting of Quick Flame/Forst Ward. #5390
- Vile Familiar – Add patrol waypoints
- Death Talon Wyrmguard – Change event type for War Stomp.
- Scarlet Interrogator – Add patrol waypoints. #3232
- Scarlet Executioner – Add equipment and patrol waypoints. #3231
- Guardian of Icecrown snare immunity. #11676
- Improve AI for Daughter of Cenarius. #3932
- Rewrite AI for Grimtotem Naturalist. #4954
- Chronalis – Fix & Add pathing. #12394
- Grethok the Controller – Make him as the caster and use proper Arcane Missiles spell ID & Add missing yells. #12087 #11706
- Death Talon – Add root immunity. #11936
- Correction for Thaurissan Firewalker.
- Zapped Giants – Make him attack on spellhit. #5004
- AI cleanup – ai scripts with repeat timer lower than cooldown of the spell corrected so it does not skip & more
- Trash Molten Core – increased aggro Radius
- Added immunities to Flamewaker Protector #12350
- Bleakheart Shadowstalker – Correct AI & Aura. #4202
- Rewrite movement and script for Erk. #4310
- Rewrite movement and script for Mogg nad Pooka. #4312 #4311
- Illusion of Jandice Barov – Fix damage and HP. #12320
- Homing Robot OOX-22/FE – Make that chicken passive. #12323
- Flamewaker Protector – Fix timer & target for casting Dominate Mind. #11901
- Updated molten core immunities #12344
- Obsidian Sentinel – Removed immunities, added passive aura and improved AI. #12215
- Firemane Flamecaller – disabled dyn respawn.
- Firemane npcs – changed rank to elite from normal. #12338 – #12341
- Mogh the undying – respawn time adjusted.
- Add nature immunity for elemental Rok’Alim the Pounder.
- Added more spawns and pool for Rok’Alim the Pounder. #4301
- Improve linking to Crimson Courier. #4137
- Add missing passive auras to Oakpaw. #4224
- Replaced unnecessary waypoint movement with linking for one Dalaran Wizard. #4221
- Relocate few spawns of Diemetradon and Bloodpetal Flayer. #5673
- Implement AI for Spitelash Enchantress. #5243
- Rewrite AI for Doomforge Craftsman. #5674
- Set proper default gossip for Disciple of Naralex. #3142
- Dire Maul Crystal Totem updated #3013
- Remove mind control immunity. #6246
- Improve waypoints movement for Gizrul the Slavener. #3643
- Gorlash – Correct damage multiplier. #8874
- Saltstone Crystalhide – Cast Mana Burn ability only on target with mana. #10477
- Prince Skaldrenox – Corrected damage multiplier. #9034
- High Marshal Whirlaxis – Corrected damage multiplier. #9033
- Lord Skwol – Corrected damage multiplier & Set fire resistance. #9032
- Baron Kazum – Corrected damage multiplier. #9031
- Arikara – Correct damage multiplier & Add skinning loot & Improve AI. #10567 #10568 #4287
- Correct damage multiplier for Elder Saltwater Crocolisk. #10674
- Correct HP & Mana multipliers for Balzaphon. #10929
- Add quotes & conditions to show the quest mark for Scarshield Infiltrator/Vaelan. #2746
- Set Magmus immune to fire and adjusted cast timer for War Stomp. #11429
- Increase HP multiplier for Borelgore. #12018
- Proper gossip setup for Lokhtos. #11711
- Replaced unnecessary wp movement with linking for Hannah Bladeleaf. #3814
- Add skinning loot for Ishamuhale. #10492
- Added more spawns and pool for Baron Longshore. #10582
- Adjust AI for Carrion Devourer. #3881
- Update model info & rewritten AI for Druid of the Fang. #4787
- Onyxia whelp update #12203
- Implemented gossip for Daera Brightspear. #8385
- Removed weird random movement and implemented gossip for Thorfin Stoneshield. #6650
- Implemented correct gossip for hunter trainers. #6763 #6650 #8385
- Bronze/Blue drakonid – immunities. #12080
- Assigned correct gossip menu for Paxton Ganter. #8317
- Made Slave Worker hostile as they should be in vanilla. #4044
- Added one more spawn and pool for Scarlet High Clerist. #3230
- Added linking for Erin and Nathan. #2852
- Corrected AI for Blazerunner. #6784
- Added quotes for Sammy and Melia. #2742
- Corrected Ol’ Emma quotes. #6834
- Corrected movement for Marez Cowl. #2977
- Generic_creature AI cleanup vol 5.
- Removed gossip flag from Naralex. #3143
- Replaced unnecessary wp movement with linking for Winterfall Runner. #9762
- Implemented flee for Fleeting Plainstrider. #3912
- Corrected AI for Venture Co. Overseer. #3622
- Corrected AI for Foreman Grills. #3701
- Removed mount for Lieutenant Doren. #3582
- Add quote for Nightmare Suppressor when hostile in LoS. #2412
- Added patrol waypoints for Scarlet Judge. #3233
- Added one more spawn and pool for Foreman Jerris. #3234
- Added missing equipment for Foreman Marcrid. #3235
- Both factions allowed to use spirit healer at The Hinterlands, The Overlook Cliffs.#11506
- Added spawns of Rotten Ghoul and make them appear at night instead of Fleshripper. #6469
- Removed pool and make Leprithus spawns at Night Time (21PM). #4664
- Added fear and root immunity to Alexi and Weldon Barov.
- Added engage and quest end quotes for Weldon Barov. #3211
- Bannok Grimaxe – Added equipment, more spawns and pool for Bannok Grimaxe. #658
- Fixed summoning of Earth Rumbler for Earthcaller Halmgar. #5960
- Fluffy gets chased by Yarlyn Amberstill. #10433
- Fixed Nightlash #2661
- Updated Honored Hero and Honored Ancestor AI #11638
- Updated Maws #2437
- Link LoLo the Lookout with captain Shakes O’Breen. #11949
- Implement OOC script for Nancy Vishas. #2716
- Implement AI & Links for Argent Rider. #3577
Items / Loot
- Darkmoon Faire items updates #11840
- Rare idols, totems, and librams were added to world drop. #12479-12481
- Adjust max limit for Frostmaul Shards. #12597
- Adjust drop chance for Zhevra Hooves. #12656
- Adjust drop chance for Satyr Horns. #12652
- Adjust drop chance for Gray Bear Tongue. #12652
- Another loot cleanup
- Elder croc skin – drop rate adjusted. #12580
- Atalai items – chance adjusted. #12378
- Gloves of the Redeemed Prophecy now drops only for the Alliance.
- ZG coins, bijous, dolls added to loot references and removed as single drops.
- Shroud of Arcane Mastery – removed drop from some random npc. #12453
- Elemental invasion loots
- Remove Solid Stone from loot table for Magram Mauler. #8596
- Trash specific boe loot dungeons – lowered chance
- Adjusted drop chance of Ghoulfang and Ghoul Fingers items from Leprithus. #1460
- Corrected stats for item Legionnaires Dreadweave Leggings #12423
- Changed required level of Rank 7-10 PvP items #12464
- Ragnaros, Onyxia, Chromagus, Ragnaros chest – loot corrected. #12400, #12388, #12387, #12380
- Talisman of Binding Shard – drop added. #12064
- Change group leader to a player with the highest PvP rank before battleground start. #11364
- Unrooting should not force the player to stand up. #12666
- Added Morja and Jubjub scripts and better interactions for the related quest #11840
- Improved instance validation handling
- Added Darkmoon Faire Carnie NPC script and update behavior during the building phase, Added welcome messages when the player enters the building site, Added missing building event in mulgore #11950
- Store immunities per auras and not per spell entries. #12626
- Dead, not-yet-released players will receive honor from their kills. #12008
- Remove spell Dark Plague from Reanimated Corpse.
- Fixed an issue where resurrection happened before teleport. #7272
- Fix issues with overriding rooted effect with stun/root combinations. Corrected target after stun fades while the target is still rooted. #12547
- Apply honor diminishing returns in battlegrounds as well. #12504
- Improve quest The Manor, Ravenholdt. #11136
- Improvement for Chicken Cluck. #12540
- Enable glancing blow on low level targets. #7437
- Trigger party member health update at player leave. #12271
- Do not allow parry, block, dodge if the victim is not allowed to do so. #8908
- Fix incorrectly included honor from dishonorable kills during honor flush.
- Remove PvP flags for creatures with no PvP flag when uncharmed. #12408 #12108
- Implement greeting from Brother Sarno at area Cathedral of Light. #4069
- Fix case when flying units could not fly.
- Add safeguards to Mails.
- Removed trigger spells from ai scripts
- Another passive cleanup – trigger spells removed from ai scripts and correct aura
- Correct text for Hemet Nesingwary. #869
- Added quest requirement to ask Hydraxis for an eternal quintessence #12312
- Daytime and Nightime – length corrected. Day 7:00-21:00, night 21:00-7:00. Server time does not correspond with the database, so ingame it will happen 1 hour later.
- Fix error in logic which allowed self-cast spells to resist. #12332
- Darkmoon Faire Steam Tonks are now functional.
- Harvest Festival updated #11638
- Fixed an issue with channeled spells triggered from weapons. #8297
- Revamp and add correct texts for Darrowshire Poltergeist. #1190
- Polished Lazy Peons AI. #3571
- Fixed an issue with Shipwreck Debris #3811
- Fix small typos in quest texts. #12239 #12242