All fixes and changes are based on qualified historical evidence that has been submitted by players and staff to our issue tracker.
Changes will be applied on scheduled server restarts.
Please delete your WDB folder regularly to ensure that all recent changes take effect for you.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed wrapped items, 0 charges bug. #9872
- Updated timer of Noxious Breath. #12805
- Fixed max spell range formula. #12802
- Minor cleanup in AQ40 scripts.
- Implement explicit no-stack rule for different rank of Paladin Seals. #12746 #12749 #12748 #12747
- Remove explicit jump check for channeled spells. #8888
- Implement script for Frost Aura. #7644
- Inherit combat from friendly targets only when initially out-of-combat. #12786
- Fixed issues with Gnomish Death Ray. #11736
- Improve Arlokk’s Backstab script.
- Fixed spawn timers of Frenzied bats and made it so they spawn in the cave and fly towards the players. #12030
- Remove explicit jump check for channeled spells. #8888
- Fixed Mandokir Fear ability not being cast on the first instance and adjusted charge timer. #12787 #12733
- Add missing Charge to Thekal.
- Update Hakkar’s health and timers. #7333 #12752
- Fixed reported issues with Thekal. #12772
- Fixed issues with Field Duty.
- Fixed issues with Renataki – corrected Ambush behavior and cast sequence.
- Fixed some issues with Hakkar.
- Correctly implement Hakkar Power.
- Fixed Jin’do timers for Healing Ward and Brainwash Totems #12759 #12764
- Improve Western Plaguelands Cauldron handling.
- Fixed an issue with stacking. #12761
- High Priest Thekal revamp.
- Venoxis revamp and fixed Holy Nova cooldown #12742
- Fixed target amount for Spirit Heal.
- Make sure Escort Ambush Marker does not react on attacks. #12579
- Simplify Faerlina’s aggro/enrage text handling.
- Faerlina should use same yells when she aggroes and when she enrages. #11705
- Updated Hakkar #7333 #12370 #8888
- Fixed wrong bonus damage for resisted spells. #12725
- Fixed spell aura holder stacking. #12726
- Arlokk revamp.
- Fixed Field Duty.
- Fixed lightning effects at Edge of Madness. #12712
- Updated Ohgan #7600
- Fixed Gahz’ranka slam #7510
- Fixed Plucky #11622
- Marli revamp #11707
- Fixed Core Hound packs infinite respawn, added per pack respawn timer
- Rewrote Jeklik and Fixed timer on Sonic Burst #12701
- Fixed PlayerAI when controlled by a totem.
- Allow damage bonus done/taken for SPELL_AURA_DAMAGE_SHIELD. #12704
- Silithyst spell corrections #12403
- Hive’Ashi Pod will spawn 2 Hive’Ashi Ambusher on use #12092
- Implement basic script for Ground Assault event. #477
- Updated Jindo #7331
- Show gossip once enough supplies is collected #473
- Updated Alterac Valley Beacon scripts.
- Allow Holy Shock to be cast on self while dueling. #12700
- Non-standing targets cannot block, dodge and parry. #12285
- Absorbed or resisted damage no longer generates rage to the attacker. #12697
- Fixed issue with honor brackets. #12657
- Fixed some bonus wrongly included for druids in feral forms. #10918 #7647 #11079
- Cleanup Emerald Dragons.
- Updated Bloodlord Mandokir #4109
- Fixed Gnomish Death Ray cast conditions. #11736
- Implement possibility to override weather to save boss kill or not in creature AI. #12582
- Respawn eggs at Razorgore only at the fail case.
- Fixed sound type for Darkmoon Faire music. #8745
- Fixed zone wide sounds for yells and emotes.
- Revamp battleground score handling.
- Fixed Chromaggus’ Shimmer.
- Allow using Portal to Inner Maraudon even without a party. #12184
- Chained Spirits will no longer roam around.
- Fixed trigger chance for Hand of Justice and Mace Specialization #12781
- Set Mandokir and Ohgan to have 160% movement speed #12783
- Changed Combat Healing Potion #12767
- Changed Combat Mana Potion #12766
- Fixed flag for Forged Seal of Ascension. #12751
- Add a lot of patrol waypoints for multiple NPCs.
- Removed stun and snare immunities for Thekal adds. #12740
- Add evade on evade flag for Mandokir and Ohgan, Avoids duplicate Ohgan spawning #7600
- Add patrol waypoints for Skeletal Raiders
- Avoid another spawn if already spawned for few chests events
- Add patrol waypoints for one Darnassus Wisp
- Movement corrections and improvements for NPCs in Menethil Harbour.
- Corrections & Improvements for Stormscale Toxicologist spawn event. #12612
- Increase damage and add immunities to Narillasanz. #12716
- Implement quest end event for Commander Mar’alith. #11696
- Implement Light’s Hope Chapel event. #11695
- Implement gossip options for Angela Dosantos. #11692
- Implement event for Gerard Abernanthy. #11690
- Implement event for Theresa. #11690
- Implement gossip option for Huntsman Leopold. #11708
- Implement gossip option for Korfax. #11709
- Implement event for Guard Lasiter. #11906
- Implement gossip options for Magistrate Marduke. #11721
- Corrections for Sethir the Ancient event. #11946
- Implement event for Defias Tower Patroller. #11943
- Improve Erk’s event. #12182
- Implement event for Okla. #12180
- Implement event for Gurk. #12181
- Apply direct spell bonus to Stratholme Holy Water, amen. #11066
- Updated Gorishi Hive Guard creature type. #7044
- Added passive auras to Cenarion Scouts. #6791
- Fixed Reward Text of quest Dawn’s Gambit. #9147
- Added missing Invisibility and Stealth detection aura to the Capital Cities guards that were missing it.
- Fixed quality of items involved in epic or legendary quests.
- Fixed spell cost for Aspect of the Monkey.
- Add patrol waypoints and AI for Lakota Windsong.
- Implement quest end script for Cycle of Rebirth. #6301
- Add missing spawn of Grimtooth.
- Add patrol waypoints and linking for Kodo Matriarch.
- Improve quest end script for Elixir of Pain.
- Fixed teleport coordinates for spell Maraudon Portal Effect.
- Add missing Vampiric Aura to Dread Lord.
- Fixed roaming creatures with sleep, dead or kneel bytes.
- Fixed links for Steelsnap’s guards.
- Fixed linking and immunities for few NPCs in Shadowfang Keep.
- Add more spawns of Mammoth Shark.
- Fixed spawn position and MovementType for Death Flayer. #4357
- Changed spell for Mad Servant death. Now creates portal instead of just spawning Voidwalkers #7375
- Add spawn of Fizzlebang Booms (Midsummer). #8530
- Added one more spawn and pool for Old Cliff Jumper. #4040
- Remove charm immunity and use proper spell set for Wildspawn Satyr. #10971
- Fixed conditions for Libram quests #3117
- Fixed creature multipliers for Pyroguard Emberseer #10765
- Removed specific blue items from creature 13419 #2581
- Add immunities to Spellmaw. #11164
- Add Shield Wall cast for Captain Gerogg Hammertoe. #12583
- Do not use dynamic respawn time for Gath’Ilzogg. #8195
- …more internal stuff that we cannot share and Kronos TBC work.