All fixes and changes are based on qualified historical evidence that has been submitted by players and staff to our issue tracker.
Changes will be applied on scheduled server restarts.
Please delete your WDB folder regularly to ensure that all recent changes take effect for you.
- Fixed Ribbon Pole. #11634
- Fixed an issue with ground heights. #12395
- Fixed object hit sphere.
- Improved Book of the Ancients. #4608
- Add missing Midsummer bonfires. #11634
- Reduced spawn timer for Captain’s Footlocker #12318
- Fixed Wooden Outhouse, related to quest Ledger from Tanaris. #5351
- Fixed The Large Termite Mound in Eastern Plaguelands.
- Increased respawn timer for Corrupted Songflower. #12129
- Added missing spawns for Festival Loremaster in Stormwind. #11634
- Fixed Son of Flame. #12390 #12389
- Fixed Bone Construct. #10029
- Updated Prince Skaldrenox.
- Updated Vile Familiar.
- Updated Scarlet Interrogator. #3232
- Updated Scarlet Executioner. #3231
- Fixed Guardian of Icecrown. #11676
- Fixed Chronalis. #12394
- Fixed Death Talon. #11936
- General AI cleanup related to triggered auras, continued generic AI cleanup
- Updated Molten Core trash. #12308 #11908
- Updated Flamewaker Protector #12350
- Rewrite movement and script for Erk. #4310
- Rewritten movement and script for Mogg nad Pooka. #4312 #4311
- Fixed Illusion of Jandice Barov. #12320
- Homing Robot OOX-22/FE – Make that chicken passive. #12323
- Updated Molten Core creatures immunities #12344
- Updated Obsidian Sentinel. #12215
- Corrected Firemane Flamecaller.
- Corrected Firemane creature ranks. #12338 – 12341
- Mogh the Undying – respawn time adjusted.
- Added nature immunity for elemental Rok’Alim the Pounder.
- Added more spawns and pool for Rok’Alim the Pounder. #4301
- Added missing passive auras to Oakpaw. #4224
- Updated Dalaran Wizard. #4221
- Relocated few spawns of Diemetradon and Bloodpetal Flayer. #5673
- Set proper default gossip for Disciple of Naralex. #3142
- Updated Dire Maul Crystal Totem. #3013
- Updated Anvilrage Medic. #6246
- Improved Gizrul the Slavener. #3643
- Corrected Gorlash. #8874
- Corrected Prince Skaldrenox. #9034
- Corrected High Marshal Whirlaxis. #9033
- Corrected Lord Skwol. #9032
- Corrected Baron Kazum. #9031
- Corrected Arikara. #10567 #10568 #4287
- Corrected Elder Saltwater Crocolisk. #10674
- Corrected Balzaphon. #10929
- Fixed Scarshield Infiltrator/Vaelan. #2746
- Updated Magmus & Adjusted cast timer for War Stom. #11429
- Corrected Borelgore. #12018
- Updated Hannah Bladeleaf. #3814
- Added skinning loot for Ishamuhale. #10492
- Added more spawns and pool for Baron Longshore. #10582
- Fixed Onyxian Whelp. #12203
- Updated Lava Surger. #11908
- Implemented gossip for Daera Brightspear. #8385
- Removed weird random movement and implemented gossip for Thorfin Stoneshield. #6650
- Implemented correct gossip for hunter trainers. #6763 #6650 #8385
- Bronze/Blue drakonid – immunities. #12080
- Assigned correct gossip menu for Paxton Ganter. #8317
- Corrected Slave Worker. #4044
- Added one more spawn and pool for Scarlet High Clerist. #3230
- Corrected Erin and Nathan. #2852
- Added quotes for Sammy and Melia. #2742
- Corrected movement for Marez Cowl. #2977
- Removed gossip from Naralex. #3143
- Corrected Winterfall Runner. #9762
- Removed mount for Lieutenant Doren. #3582
- Fixed Nightmare Suppressor’s behaviour on LoS. #2412
- Added patrol waypoints for Scarlet Judge. #3233
- Added one more spawn and pool for Foreman Jerris. #3234
- Added missing equipment for Foreman Marcrid. #3235
- Added spawns of Rotten Ghoul and make them appear at night instead of Fleshripper. #6469
- Corrected Leprithus spawn. #4664
- Corrected Alexi and Weldon Barov.
- Fixed quest related behaviour on Weldon Barov. #3211
- Fixed Bannok Grimaxe. #658
- Fixed summoning of Earth Rumbler for Earthcaller Halmgar. #5960
- Fluffy gets chased by Yarlyn Amberstill. #10433
- Fixed faction for Goblin Land Mine. #1668
- Improved linking to Crimson Courier. #4137
Creature AIs
- Implemented flee for Fleeting Plainstrider. #3912
- Fixed AI for Venture Co. Overseer. #3622
- Fixed AI for Foreman Grills. #3701
- Fixed AI for Blazerunner. #6784
- Fixed Druid of the Fang (WC). #4787
- Updated AI for Carrion Devourer. #3881
- Saltstone Crystalhide – Cast Mana Burn ability only on target with mana. #10477
- Implemented AI for Spitelash Enchantress. #5243
- Rewritten AI for Doomforge Craftsman. #5674
- Fixed AI for Flamewaker Protector. #11901
- Fixed AI for Bleakheart Shadowstalker. #4202
- Corrected Zapped Giants. #5004
- Fixed Grethok the Controller. #12087 #11706
- Correction for Thaurissan Firewalker.
- Improved AI for Daughter of Cenarius. #3932
- Rewritten AI for Grimtotem Naturalist. #4954
- Corrected AI Death Talon Wyrmguard.
- Improved AI Skeletal Warder. #5390
- Multiple updates related to summoned guardians. #11634 #11398 #7718
- Fixed interrupt conditions for some spells related to Midsummer event.
- Implemented script for Goblin Sapper Charge. #10515
- Gnomish Death Ray – Adjusted chance to cast RAY DOT. #6359
- Made Lightning Shield and Lightning Shield from Shaman T2 8P bonus stackable. Partially #10462
- Increased damage of War Stomp. #10778
- Fixed Sweeping Strikes double armor inclusion. #12273
- Consider Charmed target while checking for dispel. #8825
- Updated Splintered Obsidian. #12215
- Dispel spells which are abilities will remove random aura instead of the last. #11779
- Corrected summoned totems’ orientation. #12314
- Made Flame Buffet binary spell. #12293
- Fixed cast end proc auras. #7679
- Misc aura fixes #4945 #4260
- Fixed Calm Dragonkin (BWL). #11787
- Implement script for Force Self – Bow.
- Fixed an issue related to Badlands Reagent Run II. #11836
- Added missing text for A Thief’s Reward (Midsummer). #11634
- Fixed texts & requirements for A Light in Dark Places (Midsummer). #11634
- Fixed order for A Light in Dark Places (Midsummer). #11634
- Fixed multiple issues for some Midsummer quests (Midsummer). #11634
- Implemented quest end script for A Thief’s Reward (Midsummer). #11634
- Improved quest end script for Heroes of Old. #12430 #6528
- Implemented quest end script for A Daughter’s Love. #4105
- Implemented quest end script for Elixir of Agony. #4461 #5412
- Implemented quest end event after completion of Set Them Ablaze!. #5424
- Reduced required level for quest Cairne’s Hoofprint. #3841
- Reduced required level for The Bough of the Eternals #12283
- Reduced minimum level required for quest Jaina’s Autograph #12296
- Added quest requirement to ask Hydraxis for an eternal quintessence #12312
- Implemented quest end event after completion of How Big a Threat?. #10624
- Rewritten escort quest script for Muglash. #3752 #7672 #5038
- Rescue OOX-22/FE! escort – Despawn summoned creatures after 5 mins OOC . #9669 #6195
- Improved quest King of the Foulweald. #4307
- Rewritten escort quest Free at Last. #4290
- Freedom to Ruul escort – Make sure summoned creatures despawn after 1 min OOC.
Dungeons and Raids
- Adjusted timer for Bellowing Roar. #12379
- Fail quest Dead Man’s Plea if out of time. #7823
- Improved Chromaggus encounter #11898
- Implement spell Healing Circle. #4462
- Nefarion – Adjusted spell timers. #11881 #11880 #11882 #11883
- Chromaggus – Adjusted timer for vulnerability. #11884
- Implemented script for Highborne Summoner. #3609 #7391
- Broodlord Lashlayer – Adjusted timer for Blast Wave. #11931
- Broodlord Lashlayer – Adjusted timer for Mortal Strike. #11930
- Vaelastrasz the Corrupt – Adjusted timer for Burning Adrenaline. #11929
- Razorgore the Untamed – Adjusted timers for War Stomp & Fireball Volley. #11932 #11933
- Improved Challenge to Urok . #662 #12358
- Majordomo Executus – Updated teleports #11825
- Improved first encounter & Reduce combat reach for The Beast. #3201 #3486
- Improved Death Knight Darkreaver event. #4062
- Summon 4 guards when keep is created. #5681 #5682 #5683 #5684 #5685 #5686
- Improvements for Disciple of Naralex’s event. #3141 #4677
- Improved event Spawn Challenge to Urok. #662
- Celebras The Redeemed – Updated encounter and quest. #8989
- Jandice Barov – Improved encounter and resets. #4190
- Ragnaros – Updated. #12295
- Garr – Adjust timer for Antimagic Pulse. #11779
- Molten bridge MC entrance – removed quest requirement. #5973
- Ragnaros, Onyxia, Chromagus, Ragnaros chest – loot corrected. #12400, #12388, #12387, #12380
- Disabled world buffs in Onyxia’s Lair and Molten Core.
- Implemented a proper way to disable world buffs in instances.
- Allow pets to be taunted. #11428
- Fixed spell modifier related stuff. #12438
- Fixed incorrectly included honor from dishonorable kills during honor flush.
- Implemented and improved despawning guardians. #11911
- Removed PvP flags for creatures with no PvP flag when uncharmed. #12408 #12108
- Implemented greeting from Brother Sarno at area Cathedral of Light. #4069
- Improved quest end script of Elixir of Pain. #2919
- Fixed case when flying units could not fly.
- Implemented casting of Vengeance for Stromgardes/Thistlefurs. #4220 #4546
- Tealan Fordring – Reduced despawn and respawn timer. #11460
- Azuregos – Implemented gossip option & Do not turn hostile when entering combat. #12284
- Lord Kazzak – Changed Thunderclap spell & Adjust cast timer. #12055
- Mail handling improved.
- Set correct date for Midsummer Fire Festival. #11634
- Added duration for some Midsummer items & Remove duration from Burning Blossom (Midsummer). #11634 #10738
- Talisman of Binding Shard – drop added to the Garr. #12064
- Proper gossip setup for Lokhtos. #11711
- Trash specific BOE loot dungeons – lowered chance to drop
- Daytime and Nightime – length corrected. Day 7:00-21:00, night 21:00-7:00. Server time does not correspond with the db, so ingame it will happen 1 hour later.
- Corrected Ol’ Emma quotes. #6834
- Both factions allowed to use spirit healer at The Hinterlands, The Overlook Cliffs.#11506
- Adjusted drop chance of Ghoulfang and Ghoul Fingers items from Leprithus. #1460
- Set end of Day Time to 21 PM so it follows up the Night Time.
- Corrected Thomas Miller’s quotes. #5622